Friday 30 March 2012

i'm all grown up...!

hey there after days and months of desertion i finally know what and who i am to be and im no longer just there... I've missed you though.Much has changed ;the great move to campus the shift from single life to finally getting a man..and yes there's a guy just for the curious ones an exotic kind ...a blend of different worlds per say.not bragging just saying .anyway i"m planning  the great come back i hope it will be big and major and better :a real reflection of who i have become over the past few months, the growth, the decisions and of -course, the new love.xoxo

Sunday 19 June 2011

Gor Sunday!

wherever Gor Mahia fans turn up it's been disaster in the making ,did i just say fans sorry I meant followers .they have this tendency of moving in large crowds to watch every single match that takes place.I  don't know if what i should  be doing is to admire them or not ...however the match this weekend took place here in Nakuru and it was havoc in the making !Their arrival was short of the presidential escort only otherwise this proud and flashy Jaluo's couldn't help but flaunt there cool motorcades with everyone adorned in shades which i suspect were mostly designer (at least for the rich ones) and there gor t's and all the crazy fashion that would make you stand out as part of them plus the banners and vuvuzelas ...i'm sure you get  idea...!
 This was however the too much for the small town ...going to the extent of blocking some of the roads that lead to the stadium..this was preposterous and sick this is nakuru one of the only towns in Kenya where people don't bother with life on the fast lane .Even the greatest of celebs barely get a crowd when they hold a concert or even if they do it basically doesn't respond to their  cheers and wild calls so please i ask the gor Followers to be calm and mind where there are going somethings are not necessary, all that drama,spare us!
 I do however admire their great sense of togetherness, support and the fashion :  just a note!

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Micheal Jackson was unquestionably the best pop stars of all times.And boy would it be good to get groove like his,i still try his moves in front of the mirror ,sometimes and it's not such an easy task and that has made m,e to admire him more such talent and skill and impact.However that is far from the reason why he tops my blog this week.I've spent the past few weeks going through his style and believe me it was sensual,with that in mind here are some ways you can mjrise your wardrobe:
this jacket with the 80's details resembles his thriller jacket and would definately get you all the attention in a place . To micheal you never get enough of all the glits and shine certainly would make you stand out if you were spotted in some of this.